Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jackie Lennox's, Christy Moore, and other items from Cork

The end of the week finished out much better than the start of the week. I guess I can cease whining for a bit now. I was actually able to get some work done and feel as though I was rather productive. Hopefully things will remain on the upswing next week.

Today (Saturday) I had two goals. One was to eat fish and chips and the second was to successfully navigate myself to the evening's Christy Moore show. I've heard that Jackie Lennox's is the best chipper in Cork, so naturally I had to try it. It was about a 15-20 min walk from where I'm staying, but there was an extra 15-20 minutes spent looking for an ATM before I was able to dine. In the States there's an ATM on every corner and in every convenience store. Not here. Apparently that part of convenience hasn't gotten over here yet. Oh well. I got a piece of cod and some curry chips. Both were very delicious. Like Burdock's in Dublin, I had no need to eat for the rest of the day after scarfing the huge amount of food I was served. Since I've been living off of ramen and pasta it was a nice change of pace to have a filling meal. I happily took a picture of the vestiges of my meal. Mmm.... I spent the rest of the afternoon tooling around the city center and managed to finally have a few pints in Cork. I went for a few Murphy's although I generally prefer Guinness, but when in Cork.... I was so full from Lennox's that I had
only had room for 2 pints, that, and my wallet would only acquiese to 2 pints as well. I had about an hour and a half to get to the gig so I figured I'd take my time walking there. I neglected to bring a map with me because I generally knew where to go. I ended up getting lost of course, so it's good that I left myself ample time. Now The Marquee was the venue where Christy was playing. Apparently there is a whole series of shows there this summer. Eric Clapton and Jay-Z already played there and Paul Simon will be there later this week. What I wouldn't give to see Paul Simon again - one of the best live shows you will ever see. Period. Anyway, I got there and they hadn't opened the doors yet. That included to the parking lot. Now there was no where to go and hang out in the area, so why with 90 minutes to showtime they weren't letting cars park, I have no idea. It seemed a bit overkill to me.
Christy came on at 8:15pm and played until about 10pm. It was a really good show. I haven't been to too many concerts recently and this was defintely worth the price of admission. I tried to take some pictures, but I was far enough back that I had to use the digital zoom so they didn't come out too well. C'est la vie. I ended up walking back to the apartment from the venue, which took about 50 minutes and was clear on the other side of the city. But it was a decent night out and the walk wasn't too bad. All-in-all, it was a good day. So things are looking up in Cork: good work getting done, good music, good brew. All for now.

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