Monday, February 23, 2009

Burn out continues and the problem with interlibrary loan

The goal was a chapter draft per month, and using those standards I should have a draft of chapter four completed by the end of this month. That's not going to happen. I've got about 45-50% of it done, but I'm struggling with the motivation to really dive into it. This week that is compounded because I'm sick. I also need to spend some time on the microfilm reader at school, but I don't think I could be too productive at present. This summer when I was in Ireland oftentimes I spent upwards of 7-8 hours per day going through microfilm. Last Thursday I went up to school and went through 5 reels in 3 hours and was totally bleary-eyed. I have no idea how I managed such feats during the summer.

One of the other annoyances deterring me from making greater progress is a lack of secondary material. I'm waiting for a specific book from Interlibrary Loan and who knows how long that will take. I had the book via ILL last semester and now I need it again, but a second request such as this is sure to take longer because, I believe, that the previous lending library is not obligated to fill the same request a second time within such a short time span. Normally I would just pony up the money for the book, but with a wedding in 3 weeks that's probably not the best idea.

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